The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125097 Message #2767117
Posted By: VirginiaTam
16-Nov-09 - 01:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Refuse/recycling workers damaged our car
Subject: BS: Refuse/recycling workers damaged our car
I need some advice and fast.
Today was refuse and recycling pick up day at our flats. The car we have been trying to sell for over a month and which we finally got a deposit for on Saturday, was damaged today by 2 compost wheelie bins thrown up against the passenger side.
One bin (empty was against the wing mirror) and the second about a third full with compacted grass clippings was tipped on its edge against the the empty one. The wind was not strong enough today to put the bins in that position.
The wing mirror is now cracked badly. It was too dark to see if there is any other damage. We are probably going to lose the sale now, have to re-list £50 and insure for another month £33 as well as pay for repairs on a car we just sold for £580.
The car was parked legally and correctly with plenty of distance away from bin store so only person (council worker?) could have positioned them as they were.
I am so angry I turned the air blue for he 1st fifteen minutes home from work this evening.