The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125097   Message #2767160
Posted By: VirginiaTam
16-Nov-09 - 02:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: Refuse/recycling workers damaged our car
Subject: RE: BS: Refuse/recycling workers damaged our car
Are there junk yards in the UK? I have never seen one.

I have already sent a very strong email to the borough council about this.

TheSilentOne (my spouse) checked for other damage to the door etc. Apparently a scratch on passenger door. Says it does not look too bad. But it is dark out so who knows. We ordered a wing mirror from Ebay and TSO is calling the purchaser to inform her of the damage.

Praying she will be ok with us replacing the wing mirror.

Was in very good condition prior to this. Few light scratches easily covered with TCut and few very small stone chips, cracked corner on number plate.

I am just burning with anger, that they did not leave a note. It is so obvious the wind could not have pushed a bin of that weight and leaned it precariously on its front bottom edge.
If I get no joy from council I will write to local news. We have had problems with the dustmen leaving bins in the middle of car park so we cannot drive in or out. Clearly they don't like their job. I don't blame them.   I understand that it is a thankless job, but there is no call for destroying someone's property and not owning up to it.