The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125097   Message #2767185
Posted By: wysiwyg
16-Nov-09 - 02:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Refuse/recycling workers damaged our car
Subject: RE: BS: Refuse/recycling workers damaged our car
The car was parked legally and correctly with plenty of distance away from bin store so only person (council worker?) could have positioned them as they were.

Bingo, that is your first line of recourse-- the store. If they wish to push it farther along down the line of blame you can welcome that and motivate them to join your cause to insist on fair resolution.


Document, document, document, and send copies of all correspondence to "officials" at every level.

Be sure to keep all comunications more than civil-- nice 'em to death. You never know when a person in the role of "blamee" actually wants to see you get every penny you can from their superiors-- and will help you get what is yours, in spades, from behind the scenes. Treat each person as an overworked, well-intentioned hoomin who wants to just have a good day, and show them how to have it.

No phone calls-- because you will have to write a verbatim for each one and send it via mail "confirming our conversation where you said X," at every turn.

No private meetings with anyone offering help, either-- always a neutral witness, just in case. You won't know when you need one till after it becomes a messed-up cluster-f*ck, and you can't predict who will make it into one till they show their true spirit in the action they (do or do not) take.
