The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125098   Message #2767606
Posted By: Guran
17-Nov-09 - 05:43 AM
Thread Name: favourite concertina maker
Subject: RE: favourite concertina maker
Soldier Schweik,
You recently said this:
..."music is music,sport is sport,you are hardly comparing like with like...while sport may have a clear winner,music is different,it is not about winning,it is about communicating emotions,something which cannot be judged in the same way as sport".

RE: Are you/we not involved in competitive attitudes after all here?
I don't mind, but frankly - the opinion about a particular instrument on individual basis is depending on so many circumstantial factors that any comparison on such ground becomes rather meaningless.
If you compare very specific quality objects one at a time it may be rational to discuss the findings however.
Furthermore having a kind of vote on the "favourite maker" I find somewhat dubious concerning promotion attitudes