The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125097   Message #2767694
Posted By: GUEST,Edthefolkie
17-Nov-09 - 09:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Refuse/recycling workers damaged our car
Subject: RE: BS: Refuse/recycling workers damaged our car
If you don't regard tramping round filthy scrapyards in a long coat with big pockets as fun, try entering your car model plus "spares" or "parts" into Google (eg "Citroen AX Spares" - the quotes filter out some of the rubbish). It's surprising what you can pick up - some firms specialise in this method of selling bits.

Obviously not very practical if you want a new engine (the postie can't get it in his bike basket) but stuff like mirrors etc is easy. I got two immaculate sun visors for £20 inc postage - Citroen price, even assuming they still had any, would have been 50 quid or even more.

But has anybody got those plastic strips which go along the roof? No they blooming well haven't!