The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125098   Message #2767728
Posted By: Howard Jones
17-Nov-09 - 10:27 AM
Thread Name: favourite concertina maker
Subject: RE: favourite concertina maker
It's an impossible question. Individual instruments can vary enormously, depending not only who originally made them but how they've been used and maintained since. I've seen good and bad examples from all the main makers. So far as vintage instruments are concerned, a maker's name may be an indication of quality but is not a guarantee

Anyway, according to Geoff Crabb the vintage makers were often subcontracting work to each other, so there's no guarantee that all the parts were made by the maker whose name is on the instrument. In particular, Crabbs supplied Jeffries with a lot of parts and even whole instruments.

When it comes to modern makers, is it fair to compare makers of high-end instruments with those making mid-range hybrids?