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Thread #125094   Message #2768005
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
17-Nov-09 - 05:34 PM
Thread Name: tech: Best programme for creating website?
Subject: RE: tech: Best programme for creating website?
HTML for the World Wide Web in whatever edition is most current (a Visual Quick Start guide from Peachtree Press) is a good starting point.

It gives you tips based upon different browsers, and now, probably good information about HTML editors.

I've used FrontPage for years. It isn't great, but it is the one I know. I don't like the newest version, "SharePoint" because it is too busy trying to close all of your code to let you used the damned thing.

Dreamweaver is the industry standard, but there is a learning curve, one I'm going to try to get past again. (Every time I took the course I wasn't working on a web page, and by the time I got to the web page, I'd forgotten just enough to make it difficult. So if you take a class, start using it heavily from day one.)

Hand code is also a good way to do it. And use PayPal for a secure money collecting site.