The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121939   Message #2769151
Posted By: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)
19-Nov-09 - 09:04 AM
Thread Name: The re-Imagined Village
Subject: RE: The re-Imagined Village
Directly after Sunday's dragon pie luncheon (please arrive by 11:30am at the latest as Reverend Pete will be giving a talk on Serpent Cults in Dravidian India) to be held in the caves below Worm Hill, Mrs. Proctors WI Coven have also promised to perform an artistic and 'tasteful' sky-clad theatrical dance piece in the village hall during the afternoon. Traditionally choreographed around the Ballad of the Laily Worm, providing a fresh twist this year will be backing music from newly formed D'n'B Ballading duo Dragonlines. Polly will also be providing body paint and glitter services to the otherwise naked dancing Coven ladies, though the stage paint and sparkles unfortunately seem to accentuate rather than diminish their un-ironed appearance.

Everyone hopes that there will not be a repeat fatality this year, but as Mrs Proctor says with usual her usual indomitable spirit "The show must go on!", before adding stoically "And of course, sacrifices must be made sometimes.." Mrs. O' is quietly praying to the BMV, that her aching arm be relieved of it's conjugal duties, and that the entirety of Mr. O' (rather than merely his abundant seed) might be deemed a fitting offering this year. Especially as liberal minded Lucia has it appears developed a keen interest in her husbands' ex-paramour this Summer, which also (thank Mary, Jesus and Joseph) means that Mrs. O' need not suffer the worry of any resulting unwanted pregnancies from their delightful trysts (which are conducted after hours every Tuesday and Thursday beneath the great yew in the abandoned Catholic Church's Graveyard.)

A self avowed "erotic gourmet", Lucia finds Mrs. O's stump "Quite beautiful!".