The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125174   Message #2770400
Posted By: Jim Carroll
21-Nov-09 - 09:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ridiculous terms of abuse
Subject: RE: BS: Ridiculous terms of abuse
Mystery solved;
I had searched the English slang dictionaries, completely neglecting to take into account my Irish ancestry.
This s from Bernard Share's 'Slanguage'
Jim Carroll

Hoor's/whore's/whoor's melt [n. phr., hoor implying female + melt 1. Derog. term. 1961 Dominic Behan, Teems of Times and Happy Returns: '"Go on, yeh rotten whore's melt! Yer people turned [see turn 2.] Protestant for soup durin' the famine!'" 1989 Hugh Leonard, Out after Dark: "'An' sure God is good, and the whoor's melt won't have a minute's luck.' 1992 Sean O'Callaghan, Down by the Glenside, Memoirs of an Irish Boyhood: 'But it was of Parnell [see the Uncrowned King of Ireland] that he spoke most: "A king," he called him, "A hero who would have freed Ireland," but for the opposition of the black-hearted "hoors' melts".'
2. Complete mess, as in make a hoor's melt of [vb. phr.].