The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24187   Message #277043
Posted By: Uncle Jaque
13-Aug-00 - 05:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Presidential Poll
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Presidential Poll
Well, although a distinct minority, I'm glad to see that I'm not the only member of the vast right-wing consiracy out here in folkietune town! As paridoxical as it must seem, I love the traditional old tunes commonly associated with "folk" - although the "protest songs" of the '60s never did much for me - and listen to "Rush" too! Speaking of the "protest" movement, I think that my teenage enfatuation with Joan Baez was eventually broken when all she would open her mouth for (at least what got recorded and I heard) was to wail, whine, and b!+$# about how awful things were. Now granted, things were a little seamy back then, but Mommas still loved babies, some good dogs were to be found, God was still in Heaven, and as I recall there remained in a few sheltered corners some things worthy of celebration... despite the bum politicians (both R and D). Most Folkies seem to have pretty much gotten over it in the past 30 or 40 years, but some, alas, just can't seem to let it go. Personally, I resonate with the healthy dose of skepticizim I sense here, although It's a challange not to let it get me down. Having surveyed the aforementioned Libertarian Party, I find about 85% of their principals essentially harmonic, 10% not all votes in yet (or, as my Quaker Freinds might say, "Awaiting furthur Light") and the remaining 5% (including the dreaded "choice" issue) engendering some discomfort. I think if they ever come up with a viable Candidate, I would have to seriously consider getting behind them. I understand that they are starting to make some inroads in local and State offices, so stay tuned. I don't think that a party more dedicated to restoring a Constitutional Democracy can be had at any price.. although it's going to be a hard sell to folks accustomed to rolling on the dole or being "taken care of" by Great White Father in Washington. As to the choices at hand: I was for Allan KEYES, despite his sadly thin political resume. Since his political demise (I'm hoping that there might be a Cabinet position for him) I'm rooting for the "W". The spectre of 4 more years of the Clinton Machine (which, dear hearts, is what we may expect from an "ALGORE" Administration despite some theatrical "distancing" of late) frankly chills me to the bone. After the complete gutting of any moral authority America might have had left abroad, our national defense has been squandered, abused, and sold (primarily to the Communist Chinese Government, who brought us the Tienimen Square Massacre). Any political credibility we might have had has gone down the flush; our enemies have been capitulated to and our allies have been routinely betrayed. It seems that people of the global community have little but contempt for us, and frankly, I can't blame them. Our lofty status the (or even "a") "Superpower" is deteriorating rapidly as our "leaders" seem hell-bent on reducing America to 3rd-world squalor. "W" may not be perfect, but I do beleive that he has at least a modicum of integrity. And that, as I have learned from years of working with the "Mentally Retarded", can make up for a heck of a lot of cunning and charisma! I'm thinking of a Political "rallying" song for "W', much like "Lincloln and Liberty" was in 1860. You're gonna love it... or then again, maybe ye wont, eh? But regardless, I think that "Mudcatters" are a crowd with sufficient class to enjoy one another's company and music.. learning from and growing by one another - while setting some of our other diverse passions aside for a season. Now THAT, I submit to you, is something to celebrate!