The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125207   Message #2770611
Posted By: Georgiansilver
21-Nov-09 - 01:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'We wish you a Horny Christmas' ???
Subject: RE: BS: 'We wish you a Horny Christmas' ???
All legality and morality is daily challenged by the 'general populous' AND by those in authority... standards continue to decline and so will do... Many things which were unlawful when I was a child are now not just accepted but encouraged, as societies forsake their rules and regulations in favour of a new kind of 'freedom' ... but is it really freedom... with that freedom comes a new set of rules and regulations which themselves will be watered down as time moves on... sadly instead of progressing positively... we are doing so negatively... how much worse can it get... time will tell.
I am proud that I have my Faith and can mix with a group of people who want to live by Gods standards. I will be with those people to celebrate the birth of Christ (OK I know it is not the actual birthdate but we choose to celebrate it on that day) As Little Hawk says.. society is selling its soul for money and cheap thrills.... I don't choose to be part of that scene but I would wish everyone.. of any denomination or belief a happy Christmas.... and not a horny one!!!
Happy Christmas everyone!!!!!