The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125207   Message #2770778
Posted By: Ebbie
21-Nov-09 - 06:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'We wish you a Horny Christmas' ???
Subject: RE: BS: 'We wish you a Horny Christmas' ???
"manageress"? Hoo, boy. The English are different from us. :)

Personally, I don't like the "sex trade" but it is out there. I do not have to go in the shops nor even go on the street where it so blatantly is, if I so choose.

The way I see it- as long as they keep their marvelous options indoors and well away from the windows, - as long as they "don't scare the horses" - I don't care what they offer.

I agree that I would not like such a sign on a major street. I would posit, however, that that particular sign is probably the most innocuous image a child is likely to see these days.