The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125207   Message #2770948
Posted By: MGM·Lion
22-Nov-09 - 03:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'We wish you a Horny Christmas' ???
Subject: RE: BS: 'We wish you a Horny Christmas' ???
Perhaps to clarify a bit further, Ebbie [& sorry, Lizzie, for continuing this drift on yr thread but promise will soon be done] —
One of troubles with email, PMs, forum posts, &c, is notoriously the correct reading of the tone intended by the mailer, PM·er, poster. Can only say that your "Hoo, boy ... different from us", even when softened by that smiley emoticon, just did strike me as intended to deride. Look at it all in cold print & I am sure you will appreciate what I mean. Similarly, I didn't mean to come over as quite as thin-skinned as you appear to have taken to be the case.