The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125206   Message #2771311
Posted By: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)
22-Nov-09 - 04:29 PM
Thread Name: Eddi Reader - Undervalued?
Subject: RE: Eddi Reader - Undervalued?
"Sorry for the thread drift - but it needed saying."

FolkieDave: no offense but no it really didn't. IMO you don't need to patronise the board by repeatedly explaining to everyone at length what a pain LizzieC is. She pisses you and others off, I got that many months ago. We all know why LC annoys people - she's got an OTT manner and no-doubt there's all kinds of goodies I could look up on the now infamous BBC Boards if I gave a shit, but guess what - I don't give a shit! If you think she's an attention seeker, don't give it to her. Simple as. No wonder she claims she's got an effing "following". Anyway, that's the last thing I'm ever going to say about it. Have a nice night all, I'm off to do something less boring instead, like watch trashy TV.. ;-)