The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125206   Message #2771681
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
23-Nov-09 - 08:21 AM
Thread Name: Eddi Reader - Undervalued?
Subject: RE: Eddi Reader - Undervalued?
Double sigh....posted too soon again...

No, what I meant by the 'open minds' part is that we (er...the open minded ones, that is) don't judge people on whether they've dared to become 'commercial'....but merely appreciate them for their contribution to music, and the music they make.

If you'd read my post correctly, you'd have ascertained that.

The problem here is that so many people apparently *know* **exactly** what I mean, even better than I do! It never ceases to amaze me.

I have an open mind, therefore I've never judged Seth Lakeman on his Warner Brothers deal, never chosen NOT to forgive him for it, as many on here seem to do....and if you don't believe that has happened to Seth, and the rest of those involved in Equation, then I'd suggest you read the entire chapter which Colin Irwin wrote about Seth Lakeman's career, in his wonderful book 'In Search of Albion'.

You may or may not like Eddi's music. That's fine by me. What is NOT fine by me is that she is judged, as was Barbara Dickson, on the fact that she also hit the bigtime....and therefore is not allowed back in The Secret Society of Traditional Music, run by The Secret Seven who put that 'radar' around it, to keep those they deem 'unpure' out.
