The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #928   Message #2772
Posted By: mackay
03-Mar-97 - 09:03 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Seven Drunken Nights
Subject: Seven Drunken Nights
I'm trying to find the final verse to that classic, raunchy tune Seven Drunken Nights. If you know the song, you know what I'm talking about. As far as I can remember it goes something like this:

As I came home on Sunday night, as drunk as drunk could be,
I saw a thing there in the thing, where my old thing should be.
So I call to the wife and I says to her, "Hey wife! Could you kindly tell to me,
Who owns that thing there in the thing where my old thing should be?"
"Ah, yer drunk, yer drunk, you silly old fool, till ya cannot see.
Sure, that's a lovely cucumber me mother sent to me."
As many's a day I've travelled, a hundred miles or more,
But a cucumber with...

And that's all I know. Any help is truly appreciated.

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