The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125258   Message #2772414
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
24-Nov-09 - 05:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ooh, yes please, cut my wages back! ?
Subject: BS: Ooh, yes please, cut my wages back! ?
Now I know that people truly have lost the plot!   This morning I watched the News, to hear that public sector workers in Ireland are all on strike today, because the Government wants to cut their wages.

When they interviewed some of the public, asking for their opinions, most of them said they thought it was a good idea, because we're all in tough times and we all need to contribute to getting out of them.

Pardon me????????

So let me get this straight. It's OK for the bosses to write themselves huge wage cheques each month, to give themselves bonuses ad infinitum....but their workers, you know, the ones who've made them rich, or who keep the country running, are to have their wages lowered!

WHAT is wrong with everyone?

The same thing is happening over here in England, wages being cut...The Postmen having their wages threatened to be cut back by nearly a third in some cases...our Dustmen too...

Yet the Fat Cats get obese with grossness and no-one bats an eyelid!

Hello out there in Fat Cat Land, but your workers have huge bills to pay, bills that increase almost every month, and most are already struggling. Yet you think that you can cut their wages whilst keeping yours?   

Or do they think that if they cut their salary from £500,000 to £400,000 that they're being really good boys and girls? Well, hell, try living on £15,000 and having it cut back to £12/11/10,000..because I can assure them that the difference in life quality will be huge.

We should all be out on the streets fighting for every worker who's being so unjustly treated, instead of saying "Oh, I think it's a jolly good idea!" Yeesh, the Power of Orwellian Indoctrinisation!

"Let them eat cake!" all over again..

Bring back the Bastille!

Oh...and for those in charge to think on..

....The Irish Firefights, Ambulance Crew, Police, Rescuers etc, have broken their strike for fair pay because......because they're out there, up to their waists in flood water rescuing people and helping them to survive, whilst putting their own lives at risk!

And The Bastards want to cut their wages!!