The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125207 Message #2772652
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
24-Nov-09 - 11:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'We wish you a Horny Christmas' ???
Subject: RE: BS: 'We wish you a Horny Christmas' ???
Ha! You know, the Harley St. chaps I used to work for used to go out to Qatar from time to time, at the invitation of the Al-Thani family, many of whom were patients of theirs.
They nearly fell over sideways in astonishment when, on being taken to one of the Prince's apartments for a party, they saw a bookcase opening, just like in James Bond...and behind it was a room for their Western guests, complete with full bar.
I'm sure the family themselves didn't partake, of course.. :0)
One of the sons was a real Playboy...spent his days on his yacht...
And it was two chaps from The Saudi Health Office, (who were interpreters for so many of our patients) who took a friend of mine...and me, to The Playboy Club. Teehee...can you imagine me in the Bunny Club! I went because my friend was dipsy about Bassim, who was a very sweet lad, he'd lost most of his family through various wars out there...and I didn't have anything to change into, so I must have been the only person to go to that strange place dressed in a courduroy waistcoat and skirt and sensible blouse! :0)
I can still recall the puzzled faces..I'm so spluttering was a very weird evening.
The Bunnies had cute tails though. (not that the lads were staring at their tails) ;0)
So yes, they may censor everything out there, but as soon as they get over here, hormones roam free.
What used to *really* bug me though, was the way that so many men from the Middle East considered ALL western woman to be sluttish and up for anything going. I soooooooo put them right! I never flirted with any of them, expected the same degree of respect which they showed to their own women.
'The Prince and I' is an excellent book from that time (late 70s) telling the true story of a German Nanny who went out to care for one of the Ruler's grandchildren, in Saudi. It ends with the sad tale of how one of their Princesses was stoned to death for daring to run away with the man she loved. She was the ruler's favourite daughter, but he felt unable to bend their rules on adultery, and so...she was stoned to death. The German nanny left Saudi immediately, being torn apart at having to leave the little boy she cared for, but unable to stay in a country where such barbaric justice is seen to be justified. Very sad tale..but highly illuminating to how men and women live in such different worlds over there..
Sorry, I'm digressing...unusual for me! LOL
And now....back to Ann Summers and how to bring Christmas down to the lowest level possible.