The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125258   Message #2773200
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
25-Nov-09 - 04:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Ooh, yes please, cut my wages back! ?
Subject: RE: BS: Ooh, yes please, cut my wages back! ?
"You have said before, Lizzie, that sums are not your strong point so I will point the obvious. You said earlier that if the bosses took a cut from £500000 to £400000 and worker went down from £15000 to £12000 it would not be fair. So far so good? Well, £100000 is 20% of £500000 so the bosses, in your scenario, have taken a 20% cut. £3000 also happend to be 20% of £15000 so the workers have taken a 20% cut as well. From your comment above that is perfectly fair yet earlier you say it is not. Which is it?"

David...if a person is struggling on £15,000 a year, and you know that in this country, the way the cost of living now is, they will be doing exactly that, unless they are in the lucky position of not having any bills to pay...then going down to £12,000 and sometimes far almost impossible.

If a boss is on £500,000 a year, and he takes the same hit, he's still laughing all the way to the bank, (which is laughing too these days)...Hell, even if he had to take a 50% cut he'd still be able to buy a decent house outright, if he had to give up his castle...and have money left to live on quite comfortably.

So, when I speak of everyone taking an 'equally fair' I actually mean that the fat cats at the top realise how bloody lucky they've been all this time, and have the guts to take a huge hit on their salaries....more like 60/70%

My maths may not be too good, but my Soul makes up for it..and it the Fairness of the Soul that I'm talking about.

This recession will be changing the way many people think, as no other recession has ever done before, save that of the 1930s....because we ain't even down the bottom of it yet, despite the fat cats saying it's over.

The only thing that 'over' is the way they've been ripping everyone off for decades, because people are no longer going to put up with it.

People are angry and they're getting angrier, and that's a good thing, because Anger is the antidote to Apathy, and it's Apathy which has got the world into this ridiculous state in the first place.

And Dave...I am not telling you where I work, but I can assure you that Christine, our manageress is very much on the case at the moment, constantly complaining, as are the other shop managers, to those above, who sit on their fat well clothed arses and make idiotic decisions, with no thought for their staff at all.

You may, however, like to write to The National Trust to ask how much their new Staff Training Manuals have cost, because of course, that's being done with the public's money, they being a charity and all...Fiona Reynolds is the lady in charge...Strangely, when I wrote to her, as a customer, she did not return my email with details of costs etc....

I'm sure you'll have better luck though. :0) Thank you for your help.