The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125317   Message #2774401
Posted By: Little Hawk
26-Nov-09 - 04:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'ex cathedra' - it means...........
Subject: RE: BS: 'ex cathedra' - it means...........
There are further catch phrases beloved of the armchair intelligentsia which we should all learn as well as ex cathedra. Without them one is woefully unarmed when engaging in protracted debates such as erupt on this forum now and then....(ha! I mean...every day.)

One is "ad hominem". Be sure to point out that your despised opponent is doing nothing but engaging in ad hominem attacks and follow that up by listing his or her many disgusting character flaws and shortcomings in order to make your point quite clear. ;-)

Another is "nonsequitor". Your despised opponent, fool that he or she is, has undoubtedly posted a few remarks that simply don't follow and are not relevant to the discussion...and THOSE are the nonsequitors I was speaking of! They don't follow. Don't let them pass by without severely castigating the miscreant who committed them!

Has anybody got some more good ones?