The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125319   Message #2774510
Posted By: Dave MacKenzie
26-Nov-09 - 06:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Christmas? A rant
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas? A rant
Growing up in Scotland, we didn't really celebrate Christmas. The main winter festival was New Year, and there was always at least one report of a Headmaster (usually a Seceder) refusing to let his school celebrate a pagan festival. We had a small family party with presents, rather like a glorified Sunday, though the vast majority of churches were closed.

Santa Claus, after all, owes more to Odin than to St Nicholas (who only gave presents to the poor), and the Christmas tree is a relic of pagan Germanic human sacrifices.

As to referring to it as "holiday", isn't this just "Holy Day" referring to a Christian religious festival?