The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125317   Message #2774628
26-Nov-09 - 10:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'ex cathedra' - it means...........
Subject: RE: BS: 'ex cathedra' - it means...........
I dunno bout thet chair bizness an all. I seen sum uv them cathedras an all thay got iz them pews xsept for a playse whair thet guy with tha lil smokin bucket sets wen he aint bizzy with the bucket uv smoke or throwin water on tha folks inna them pews.

But I tel ya this an that iz that I do like that idea of addin hominy. I luv hominy and I aint jus talkin bout grits but also the hominy too. I like it both but I like the yeller best speshully like my mama uze ta make it whair sheed fry the hominy in the skillet after sheed fried up a buncha Spam. Now thatz reel eetin!

And gnu, idoan theenk the pope hazta piss in no woods or nuthin cuz I seen thet fine place heez got in Ittley an Ide reckun thair muzt be a bathroom or two in thair sumwhairs.