The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125319   Message #2774884
Posted By: Bryn Pugh
27-Nov-09 - 10:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christmas? A rant
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas? A rant
I don't mind you celebrating christmas, provided you don't mind me and mine celebrating Yule.

This is very much family orientated - we shall be fortunate to have four generations round the festive table on December 21st.

There are presents ; there is thanksgiving for family, and praise to the gods that we have survived another year.

There is fire, and candles - artificial light is a no-no, except for those which are called "fairy lights" on Odin's tree.

We get up with the Sun, and go to bed with the Sun, over this sacred time.

There is much love, great food (but not gluttony, which is well discouraged) ; drink for those who want it; and, most important, at midnight on the 20th, cakes and ale are taken to a convenient oak tree, in praise and thanksgiving to the
Great Mother and the All Father.

On the 'day' of the 21st we go to neighbours and bring cakes and ale for sharing.

Sound familiar ?