The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125319   Message #2775228
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
27-Nov-09 - 07:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Christmas? A rant
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas? A rant
I like that memo, Little Hawk.. :0)   

I feel like that about English folk music! ;0)

Moving on, rapidly.........LOL

"Mother Teresa wasn't a noisy one in terms of religion, she was noisy in terms of getting a better deal for the young of Calcutta. The fact her motivation came from her faith is neither here nor there...."

Oh, poo.... :0)

That 'fact' is everything, surely. How can you possibly say that her religious faith counted for nothing, when without that she may never have walked upon the path she did?   She questioned her own faith many a time, but she never gave in....never gave up..

This image....and lie...that all Christians are whacko and bordering on the evil really gets up my nose. It's one that's been cleverly weaved into current day society to the point of people wanting to now run away from the Church and all they stand for as fast as they can...

Yes, of course there ARE religious fanatics, but there are one helluva lot of great and good Christian people out there who've dedicated their lives, in their own quiet way, to helping others and to carrying out the belief of Jesus.

Religion used to create fear is wrong, no matter what that religion may be....and yes, it's been used that way for centuries, with much evil being done in it's name....but you can't just dismiss all Christians as complete nutters.   Yeesh! There'd be an outcry if that attitude was used against Muslims, let's face it..

I think children have never been more 'brainwashed' than they are nowadays, and the Corporate Bastards have simply taken the place of the old Religious Fanatics, using their power to create a new kind of 'fear' unless you belong to their 'Church'. The fear they preach is nothing to do with being a non-believer in God, but the fear of being unacceptd through not having the latest 'must have' toy, the latest article of named clothing, the right £4,000 handbag, the glitziest holiday, the perfect Christmas infinitum.

It srikes me that getting back to the simple teachings of a man who wanted to help others, might not be so bad.. :0)

For all the Tinsel & Turkey folks visiting Torquay there are many on the streets down here for whom Christmas will be 'just another day'..

"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." - Mother Theresa