The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7295 Message #2775869
Posted By: Alice
28-Nov-09 - 10:37 PM
Thread Name: Origins: I Ride An Old Paint
Subject: RE: Origins: I Ride An Old Paint
Hi, Mysha,
No one here refers to Denver as 'Den'.
The horse's name is Dan. "I'm leading old Dan."
Yes, the backs of the horses were raw.
Cowboys liked to have a good time, too! Hard work deserved time off, but regarding "houlihan"...
To "throw a houlihan" is a kind of rope throw.
(From numerous descriptions on the 'net, including some Montana sources):
The houlihan is swung counter clock wise, opposite a traditional loop, and opened at the throw with the flick of an agile wrist. It was not an easy throw and required years of practice to perfect.
To throw the houlihan ... And I'm a-goin' to Montana to throw the houlihan. ... *The houlihan is a one-swing flip shot at a calf traveling in front of you from left to right. With the calf at about 90 degrees to your horse, throw as the calf passes your horse's ears.
When your horse is moving from your left to right, you will want to throw a houlihan shot. The houlihan shot is basically a right hand man throwing a left hand loop.
Coulee is a very, very common term in Montana, as they are part of the geography... as are draws. They do not always have a creek running through them. I usually think of coulees as dry coulees, but sometimes they do have a creek (stream of water) often pronounced "crick".