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Thread #125319   Message #2777912
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
01-Dec-09 - 05:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Christmas? A rant
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas? A rant
I already read that, Dave, but I didn't link to it because again, it unsettled me, in that it doesn't give any evidence really, just more opinions...

Oh, it's ONLY the Daily Mail that I mustn't read then? Didn't realise that....I forgot about the insanity in here that surrounds that particular paper, unless, of course, it prints an article that The Extreme Lefties love, in which case, they quote from it.   

I prefer The Hypocritical Times, myself, as it lists the names of many who write their articles...and some I seem to recognise from in here... ;0)

Yeah, maybe you're right. Maybe Mother Teresa was nowt more than an evil lil' ol' lady who dressed in baggy robes, so she could stuff her money down her underwear, whilst making those under her care scream out in agony, cackling "Jesus Loves You, Suffer as he Did, you bastard!".....then disappearing into her luxurious office at the back of her home, to plan her next cruise holiday.

Lawdy, I can't think why I didn't see it before!! (raises hand to head and smacks thick fist against thick head!)

But then again....maybe you're completely wrong.

Christopher Hitchens though is determined to bad mouth anyone who believes in God, so it would seem, let alone those from the Catholic Church.

Methinks he has a Mission of his very own, but not one that has much Spirit inside it..