The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125319   Message #2778521
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
02-Dec-09 - 10:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christmas? A rant
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas? A rant

We lived next door to the famous White Church in Lytham a couple of years back whilst selling our house in Durham; never went in it though until one day back in the summer. Puritans! Even stained glass celebrating Cromwell and Pilgrim Fathers. I offended the guide by falling about in hysterics that such anal-bollox should be celebrated with such earnest righteousness. Interesting building to live next door too though - it serves as a lighthouse for safe navigation along the Ribble estuary & - irony of irony - features on many Christmas cards by of the Traditionally Picturesque!


All our book & CD shelves are from IKEA - likewise our coffee table - in a range called LEKSVIK - psuedo-rustica, but nice enough. We've also got a 5x5 Expedit which is so big it saved rebuilding the dividing wall knocked through by the previous owners. We still think of ourselves as essentially nomadic as neither of us has lived anywhere for longer than 6 years since leaving our respective childhood homes, so I'm always loathed to do anything too structural to a house. Though, as I say, I do wish I'd put the stove in back in the autumn. The Grotto Effect is due to a lifetime's meticulous curation of clutter as celebrated on the Cluttering - A Celebration thread - a natural reaction to all these de-cluttering threads that crop u rom time to time!