The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125438   Message #2778754
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
02-Dec-09 - 02:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sackings at the Tower
Subject: RE: BS: Sackings at the Tower
Well, in terms of the financial turnaround I had rather a lot to do with it, yes. Tight budgetary control - that was the production and the artistic directors working together. Reducing the artistic budget by £30k and still delivering a strong artistic programme: that was my responsibility. A turnaround in performance of the Bulverton: achieved through reduced costs and more ambitious programming. Increased ticket sales across the programme: that was one of my targets. Increased fundraising: the Board, but I brought in some sponsorship as well."

Well, there ya go...see, it WAS you all along! Yeesh, if ONLY those guys had brought you in earlier, eh?

"certainly the town wasn't as full as in many years past"

We must have attended different festivals. The town was rammed. You couldn't get accomodation for love nor money, and the ticket sales revenue increased substantially.<<<

Yup, we sure must have. Twasn't just me who noticed it though, but hell, what do I know, I only lived there for 10 years...not a clue about Sidmouth, almost as dumb as I am about folk music, huh?

"In fact, since the new team took over from Steve Heap and had that first very successful year, it hasn't been the same..."

No. That'll be because there's no longer an arena holding many thousands of people. Sidmouth is over 50 years old. The Mrs Casey years were one phase of its life. This is another. It's been through a fair few. Hopefully with the way we're currently working, the future will be secured so that it has many more years to come. <<<

Hmmmm....of course, you being the main success behind Sidmouth an' all now, this probably has nothing to do with it, Arena wasn't up and running during the first year after Steve Heap left, nor has it been since. That first year was a success, despite all the crap on here and the BBC that was done by people such mate Ian Anderson, who did all in their power to see Sidmouth fail, because...unkown to me, they wanted it to be run by their 'own folks' a couple of years after Steve had left, wanting the town to live without it for a few times, to realise what a gem they had...So the anti-Sidmouth brigade took over the messageboards and we went into battle over. Ask Ian, he'll remember, I had him all wrapped up in his cosy blanket whilst I pushed him up and down the seafront in his mobility scooter, as he said he was getting old and wanted to see festivals abroad, whilst he still had the time...It was an absolute hoot, until the Moaning Minnies took over..and moaned, moaned, moaned...

But, Sidmouth carried on....and it carried on because of one man, actually, Joan. One man who put £100,000 of his own money into Folk Week...and for that, he was lambasted by the manageress of Bellowhead and accused of being a misogynist by Diane.....

Without Gordon, you'd have no Sidmouth to be part of, to crow over.

Gordon became a victim of women gone mad, and oh, how the mud stuck to him! It was the most shameful of things...and if you don't know about it, then I suggest you ask Derek, 'cos he'll know. I know because my ex-husband, to whom I was still married back then, was one of Sidmouth's Directors....doing his bit too, and he continued to do work for Sidmouthh for a few years after that.

Gordon stepped down, probably because he never really got over what happened to him, how lies and vicious words were spread about him....

Another example of appalling internet bullying and some women wanting to get their way, no matter what the outcome to those concerned...

Without Gordon, there would now be no Sidmouth, and those who chose to do what they did, should damn well hang their heads in shame.