The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24354   Message #277882
Posted By: Sorcha
14-Aug-00 - 10:15 PM
Thread Name: What The Best You Could Hope For?
Subject: RE: What The Best You Could Hope For?
(i like that if only they don't discover the imposter one...) Mine is to sound like Eugene O'Donnel just once in my life, and like Chuck said, to die in my sleep without pain and suffering, and without losing my ability to play music. I would like to die still being able to play and with people still being willing to listen to me.

p.j --You have PLAYED with Alsdair? oh, envy.........he is a very nice man, tho. I have met him, but not played with him. I guess another fantasy would be to be able to play with/keep up with/impress Frankie Gavin.....