The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125503   Message #2779414
Posted By: Stower
03-Dec-09 - 07:51 AM
Thread Name: Help: Hills of Idaho? / Hills of Isle au Haut
Subject: What is this sea song?
This is a really embarassing request. The song I'm after is very well known. I joined in with it in a session the other night and have now forgotten most of it. I don't know if it's trad or not. It's a sea song but not a shanty. I'm hoping it's *so* well known that, even from my vaguest of descriptions, someone will recognise the words to this very simple and catchy tune. Since I can't remember the words and don't know the title, I can't post a link to the tune. The chorus goes:

Daa daa da daaa (Haul away the sail?)
Da daa daa together
Daa daa da daa
Da something Idaho

I'm now looking down, red-faced with shame, but with eyes slightly raised in hope.

Sorry and thank you.