The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23971   Message #277986
Posted By: roopoo
15-Aug-00 - 02:42 AM
Thread Name: how did you choose your mudcat name?
Subject: RE: how did you choose your mudcat name?
Well I'll answer to anything, and frequently do, but I chose mouldy because I sell my salt dough under the name of "mouldy old dough". Apart from one mumming play, the only boards I have trodden were am-dram before kids happened; BUT I did get to play Captain Smollett in a pantomime version of "Treasure Island" (well slap-a-my-thigh!), and when I was at school, Japheth in a play by some French playwright of the 1930s about Noah. Got to perform in the Nottingham Arts Theatre for that one!

Andrea (aka mouldy, mum, Audrey, wife, cloglady, omigod it's her again... etc, etc).