The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2779896
Posted By: GUEST,astro
03-Dec-09 - 03:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
This religious discussion is very tired and old...and not important, what is important is the idea of countries imposing death penalties upon life style issues and should not only be opposed by individuals but also opposed (more importantly) by governments. Aid, trade, allowed travel from these countries should be stopped until these laws are dropped.

The whole purpose of this thread was not to show a concern for the gay Ugandans, but rather to impose a red herring to draw out those who hate religion (Christianity for certain) and those who may support such hideous laws. To me, a man of faith and a scientist, this is a tawdry method of discussion and is pretty sad. In all arenas, science or religion or business or politics or sports or..., you will find people of low opinion or ethics. To paint all in any arena by the lowest common denominator is just plain wrong and points to an agenda.

I know that in science, there are no good reasons to point to any population for special punishments while in religion I do know that when asked, Christ noted the greatest commandment was to love God with all you heart and soul and then closely the second greatest commandment was to love you neighbor as yourself. Those who cry Christ, Christ are not necessarily ones who follow Christ. You can tell by their actions. Calling for hate is a sure sign that they are not.

So, get the focus right, there are those out there who are suffering and those who want to make them suffer. Help those who are suffering and oppose those who want to make them suffer. It is simple as that, any other discussion is just smoke and blows away....and points that in truth they really don't care about those who are suffering...only to win the point. Which, in fact, was the whole agenda in the first place.

astro in LA