The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #928   Message #2780
Posted By:
04-Mar-97 - 01:47 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Seven Drunken Nights
The last verse I know comes from Steve, the piano player in Durty Nelly's on the River Walk in San Antonio, and it goes:

When I came home on Saturday night, as drunk as drunk could be,
I saw a man runnin' from me door at a quarter past three.
I says to me wife, the joy of me life, "Could ye kindly tell to me,
Who is that man runnin' from me door at a quarter past three?"
And she said... (etc.)
"'Tis an English tax collector the Queen has sent to me."
Now 'tis many a night I've travelled, a thousand mile or more,
But an Englishman who can last past three, sure I've never seen that before.

HTML line breaks added. --JoeClone, 9-Aug-02.