The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120107   Message #2782199
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
06-Dec-09 - 01:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: WalkaboutsVerse Anew
Subject: RE: BS: WalkaboutsVerse Anew
what the world needs most, I'm afraid, is birth- and immigration-control; over 50 million IS too many for the area of land called England

I wonder how many are folkies though? And by what peculiar alchemy you conclude that Folk Music is somehow Our Own Good Culture when the vast majority of said 50 Million English Citizens couldn't give a shit about it - and rightly so in my opinion. Otherwise, even round here I can quite happily wander for three hours or more without encountering a single soul. Maybe you might provide some seriously Hard Evidence why you harbour such a drearily misanthropic overview which has given rise your noxious opinions in which you hint rather alarmingly at ethnic cleansing & eugenics - other than you are at heart a dreary misanthropist, of course, which I don't believe for one minute as every time we've met you've been so genuinely jovial and radiantly positive even about my resolutely non-folky take on your beloved E. trads. So what gives, WAV?

That said, I am rather a fan of The Groundhogs' Earth is not Room Enough. Listen to that keening mellotron - now that's what I call Our Own Good English Culture!