The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125426   Message #2782369
Posted By: Lox
06-Dec-09 - 05:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
Subject: RE: BS: Death penalty for homosexuality?
"On the one hand your team says "It is not homosexuality, but promiscuity", which causes the horrific homosexual AIDS figures.....then you come along and contend that homosexuals in general, are no more promiscuous than heteros."

I wish you would pay attention.

You marvel at my apparent newfound computer literacy, yet you seem unable to read or comprehend written English.

But to remind you (as it was oh so long ago) - and I hope no-one minds the cut and paste job.

"I would like to clarify a point raised concerning a perceived dispute between whether AIDS is a "homosexual thing" or a "promiscuity thing".

In fact, if AIDS in homosexuals were the result of greater promiscuity we would see the same disparity in the numbers of cases of Ghonnorhea Syphilis and Chlamydia.

However, the CDC report I posted above in this thread shows that in fact, young women and older teenagers are the group most affected by these diseases.

So it isn't promiscuity that makse the difference.

Also, it is fairly obvious to anyone with any vague understanding of science that Sperm + Blood does not equal HIV. HIV is an organism that infects those to whom it has been transmitted.

So what is the reason for the high proportion of cases of AIDS amongst homosexual men?

I am as interested to know as anyone else."