The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125602   Message #2782516
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
06-Dec-09 - 09:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Humanitarian Foundation Honors 'Catter
Subject: BS: Humanitarian Foundation Honors 'Catter

Along with the other honors lately being bestowed upon members of the Mudcat community, we've just learned that The Tenuous Grip on Reality Foundation (TGORF - pronounced "Tee-GORF") has chosen our very own Little Hawk as their 2010 poster child!

Here's the TGORF press release in its entirety:

Our decision to elect Mr. Hawk as our 2010 poster-child was a real no-brainer. To say he exhibits symptoms of Multiple Personality Disorder is a bit like saying fish exhibit symptoms of swimming. He's so screwed up his delusions have delusions. His best friends are all of other species: a real (we suppose) wiener dog, an imaginary gun-toting chimp, and an imaginary (we hope) illiterate beer-swilling hoser. Why, when our representatives arrived at his humble home in Orillia to tell him of our decision, he answered the door as Mrs. Olive Whatnall!

Yet, despite exhibiting behaviors that would send a lesser person directly to the loony bin, Mr. Hawk seems to manage a fairly normal life (aside from spending way too many hours posting to The Mudcat Cafe). It would be easy for us to find some drug-addled loser who's already slipped over the edge into the abyss, but that's not what this honor is all about. Mr. Hawk, in the face of tremendous odds, has managed to hold on to the slimmest, tiniest portion of reality. For that, we are proud to have him as our 2010 Tenuous Grip on Reality Foundation poster child!

Congratulations, Little Hawk!