The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125619   Message #2783465
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
07-Dec-09 - 10:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Suffer The Children (Dublin child abuse)-2
Subject: RE: BS: Suffer The Children (Dublin child abuse)-2
Joe, I read your post, and have to re-iterate, that there are a "few bad apples in the bunch", Unfortunately they give the rest of the barrel a bad name. What really is unfair, is that, unthinking impulsive people, forget, or disregard, all the good things the Catholic Church has done, and is still doing. Yes, they have had a checkered past, in some places in history, but, to all those ready to jump on them, and fault the whole of the church, because of sexual misconduct, by a few, and the cover-ups that follow, if you are really that concerned, then add your support, to those who wish to clean up their ranks, and correct the wrongs that have been done, without pointing a condemning finger, at the rest of them, who are trying to correct things for the betterment.
Ironic, how the same voices, who condemn the whole of the church, for pedophilia, forget the churches stance on abortions, homosexuality, divorce, and broken families! They forget the excellent school systems they have, the hospitals, orphanages, and charitable work performed by very dedicated people. Mother Theresa, the icon of selfless devotion to the poor and needy, was also Catholic. So, to all those, who are so quick on the draw, to categorize the whole of the Catholic Church, as 'toleraters' of priests who are homosexual pedophiles, let's look at the whole picture, as Joe pointed out!
Regards, GfS