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Thread #87391   Message #2783818
Posted By: Sawzaw
08-Dec-09 - 12:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Where's the Global Warming
Subject: RE: BS: Where's the Global Warming

Tia has a much more coherent, original and believable answer than yours. You tend to browbeat others without demonstrating any knowledge is the matter. It is as if you know you are right even if you don't know the subject matter because so many others think the same thing. A herd mentality that does not require the hard thinking and decision making. The Emperor's new clothes scenario. The Bloods against the Crips.

However more and more Experts are reversing thier opinion on the matter.

Personally I do not deny that there is global some warming. My question is what is really causing it and if anything can be done about it. I am questioning the alarmist consensus.

Burning fossil fuels should be replaced by solar, wind, hydro and hydro ASAP if only to reduce or dependence on foreign energy sources and negative health issues. Fossil fuels and nuclear should be used sparingly as a bridge until an ultimate energy source {fusion?] is perfected.

However any energy source, no matter how much CO2 it produces or does not produce, creates heat that is trapped by the atmosphere.

How are we going to overcome that? We will need even less CO2 and water vapor in the atmosphere than the was when this so called man made global warming began so that the heat can radiate out into space.

Will Cap and Trade do that? Did ethanol from corn do any good?

Not my words:
"Please make the effort to educate yourself about what the other side has to say. An excellent place to start would be to view The Global Warming Swindle, featuring some 17 eminent scientists, many of whom were for a good long time situated prominently in the Global Warming camp (among whom were a founding editor for Scientific American Magazine, as well as a founding member of Green Peace). I believe you'd find the list fascinating. Even more fascinating is getting to see and hear these scientists themselves explain how it is they came to reconsider their views on Global Warming"