The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24406   Message #278463
Posted By: Bill Hahn//\\
15-Aug-00 - 07:54 PM
Thread Name: Broadway Show Tunes New
Subject: Broadway Show Tunes New
The Broadway thread was getting a bit long, so we start anew.

So hard to pick a favorite since so much before Lloyd Weberization and Disneyfication of Bway Musicals was so good.

However, to feel old----West Side Story this week celebrates the 43 anniversary of its opening. Arthur Laurents --the writer of the book-- gave a wonderful interview on NPR on how it came to be produced, what he thought of the film (NG) and how and why certain songs were put in. Perhaps it is archived on the NPR web page for anyone interested in checking on it.

When the expression "...they don't make them like that anymore" is used it certainly has to apply to the Bway musicals of yore.

Interesting aside. I stood, a while back, on the TKTS line in NYC and got tickets to Kiss Me Kate (all kinds of Tonys and just great) and I worried that everyone would scoop them up---those ahead of me. You know the NY expression---Fageddaboudit. All the tourists, and whoever else in the line, grabbed up the Cats/Phantom(a bore through and through---chandelier included),Jekyll/Hyde, and anything that might seem like a trip to Disneyland.

Lucky me !! Trips are different today than in days past---a bit obscure, but my attempt at humour.

Bill H