The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125676   Message #2784756
Posted By: Vic Smith
09-Dec-09 - 01:41 PM
Thread Name: Stolen instruments -Wiltshire UK
Subject: Burglery - Stolen Instruments
This from Richard Harris

I wonder if you could help me. I have just been burgled and my precious and distinctive 32key Jefferies anglo in F/Bflat (slightly sharp of concert pitch, in a hand made rectangular oak box with a leather case handle, key on a leather lace and dark grey felt lining) has been stolen - along with a Honer polkadot G/D melodeon and an old C/Csharp four stop melodian. Is ther any way in which this information could be circulated through the SAD network in the hope that these instruments, particularly my anglo, I, or Wiltshire police would be grateful for any information.
Richard Harris.

I have emailed him to see if he can supply any photos to put Stolen Instrument Gallery on Facebook. SAD is the Somerset and Dorset Folk Network, so presumably he lives somewhere in that area.