The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125681   Message #2784758
Posted By: Little Hawk
09-Dec-09 - 01:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should the US troops be thanked?
Subject: RE: BS: Should the US troops be supported?
I always support the sense that I hope they survive whatever war they are in and get safely home to their families and loved ones as soon as possible.

That doesn't mean I have to support the war effort they are engaged in. That's a separate issue. I do not support the war effort in either Aghanistan or Iraq, but I have no ill will toward the soldiers. It wasn't their decision.

Teribus, it is deliciously ironical that you said to Mrzzy "If you believe in the Christian faith..." etc... But I'll let Mrzzy explain why if he (or she) chooses to.

Your assertion that only Jesus and the American (and Allied Caolition) servicemen have laid down their lives on behalf of Mrzzy or anyone else presently living is absurd. Many other saints and religious figures of the past in both Christianity and a great many other religions have willingly laid down their lives on behalf of other people. So have soldiers of many other nations. Every soldier who falls in battle lays down his life on behalf of the other soldiers in his unit. They all deserve to be honored on that basis, because they have all made the same sacrifice.

Given wiser political and spiritual leadership, however, none of them would have been sent out to kill one another in the first place. That would require a greater degree of idealism and understanding than the narrow parochial nationalism and religious fundamentalism that you appear to subscribe to.

I was quite surprised by your statements about Jesus and Christianity, by the way. Going by your past comments on all these political threads, I had assumed you were most likely a militant atheist.