The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125619   Message #2784897
Posted By: caitlin rua
09-Dec-09 - 04:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Suffer The Children (Dublin child abuse)-2
Subject: RE: BS: Suffer The Children (Dublin child abuse)-2
Wednesday, 9th December 2009   20:30


The Irish Bishops' Conference has issued an apology to all those who were abused by priests. At the end of the first day of the bishops' winter conference a statement was issued saying: 'We, as bishops, apologise to all those who were abused by priests as children, their families and to all people who feel rightly outraged and let down by the failure of moral leadership and accountability that emerges from the Report'.

They went on to say that they are deeply shocked by the 'scale and depravity of abuse' described in the Report.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009   20:09

"We are shamed by the extent to which child sexual abuse was covered up in the Archdiocese of Dublin and recognise that this indicates a culture that was widespread in the church," the bishops said in a statement. "The avoidance of scandal, the preservation of the reputations of individuals and of the Church, took precedence over the safety and welfare of children. This should never have happened and must never be allowed to happen again. We humbly ask for forgiveness."

"We, as bishops, apologise to all those who were abused by priests as children, their families and to all people who feel rightly outraged and let down by the failure of moral leadership and accountability that emerges from the report," the statement said.

Responding to what they said were the "many concerns" raised about the use of a practice known as 'mental reservation' by clergy to avoid telling the truth, the bishops said: "We wish to categorically state that it has no place in covering up evil. Charity, truthfulness, integrity and transparency must be the hallmark of all our communications."

Wednesday, 9 December 2009    20:47

Irish bishops have asked to be forgiven for the "failure of moral leadership" identified by a report into clerical child abuse in Dublin archdiocese.

The Murphy report found that church authorities had covered up child abuse. Also known as the "Commission of Investigation Report into the Archdiocese of Dublin", the Murphy report stated that Catholic leaders had prioritised the preservation of the church's reputation above the welfare and safety of the children in their care.

They also said that they were "shamed by the extent to which child sexual abuse was covered up in the archdiocese of Dublin". The bishops added that they recognised the report's findings indicated a culture of cover-up was "widespread" in the church.