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Thread #125619   Message #2784961
Posted By: mg
09-Dec-09 - 06:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Suffer The Children (Dublin child abuse)-2
Subject: RE: BS: Suffer The Children (Dublin child abuse)-2
I will say again that it is not just bad priests and worse bishops. It is the whole culture..not just Ireland but certainly there and its offshoots in US and elsewhere. Someone raised those priests. Someone repressed them beyond repair in early childhood and adolescence. Not only the Christian Brothers. Saintly mothers, themselves repressed etc. And they did it because most of them, I bet every last one of them, thought that is what God wanted. For all I know, and I am of that same culture, more or less (with added Baptist repression) it is what God wanted. It is hard to break off with what God wanted and say this is evil, or this does not make sense, or this hurts people..not when it gets to the child abuse but in the repression that leads up to it..mixed in with the overworking of Catholic fathers, the overreproductio of Catholic mothers..the whole birth control thing. It is all related. Can't we Catholics think for ourselves. no. Not really. Try it sometime. I had to shut my brain down early on and so did most of them. mg