The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125687   Message #2785326
Posted By: MikeofNorthumbria
10-Dec-09 - 09:26 AM
Thread Name: Pete Seeger Evening on BBC Radio 2
Subject: RE: Pete Seeger Evening on BBC Radio 2
While enjoying last night's Radio 2 broadcast of Springsteen's "Seeger Sessions" concert, I was puzzled to hear a sort of moaning sound coming from the audience on several occasions. Were some of them actually booing the Boss? And if so, why? He was giving an excellent performance,albeit in his own distinctive style.

Admittedly, that style is not to everyone's taste - but surely people who dislike it can arrange to be elsewhere when he's playing? Why turn up just to bellow disapproval?

Were they Folk purists who objected to some of his more elaborate arrangements? Or was there a political agenda lurking in the background? I heard no shouts of "Judas!", or any other insults which might explain this apparent hostility.

Could that strange mooing noise be a new way of expressing audience appreciation which has escaped my notice until now? Or was it all a hallucination? Nurse ...where's my medication?
