The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24405   Message #278539
Posted By: Bill D
15-Aug-00 - 11:10 PM
Thread Name: 3 crop circles near Orillia
Subject: RE: 3 crop circles near Orillia
some guys in England finally confessed to doing some of the circles that had the 'experts' puzzled for several years...even did a demo of how they pulled it off (was on TV) now there is a manual available...*grin*...

It is a BIG universe out there...I'm sure aliens live out there, but NO ONE has EVER caught one or photographed one or found a ship...or...or...(no, don't tell me about Roswell..*grin*...saw all the programs about THAT one!...)

It is just the case that some people are wired to WANT to believe, and some of us are wired to be sceptics...I have standards for what I consider 'proof'..(of aliens, elves, ESP, God, Elvis,..and a whole lot more..*giggle*..)The thing is, it doesn't bother me to just wait and read....I don't have to have an opinion yet.