The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125681   Message #2785773
Posted By: Dead Horse
10-Dec-09 - 07:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should the US troops be thanked?
Subject: RE: BS: Should the US troops be thanked?
No. Dont thank the troops.
But how many 9/11s do you want?
Which city do you want it to happen to?
Would you like Al Queda to gain control of all those nice, stable, peace loving muslim countries that love the west and all it stands for?
Dont thank the troops, but dont knock them either.
They are all that stand between you and terrorist chaos.
There are blinkered idiots on both sides of the Atlantic who cant see further than their own idealistic little noses.
The troops are not to blame for the mistakes of politicians, nor are they "duped" into joining the military.
They join for the same reasons that police, fire dept, medics and educators decide to be what THEY are - to help their country and further its ideals.
I didnt join my countrys armed forces to be shot at, nor did I join to "see the world", but I wasnt too stupid to see that both were equally likely.
And I certainly didnt join to get thanks from those too stupid to realise that we need the military just as much as a police force and a fire dept.
Sure, some individual soldiers stink. So do some nurses. And priests!
Now get back under your nice safe little rock and let the soldiers do what they are trained for, without thanks, and without interference.