The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #125681   Message #2785799
Posted By: Little Hawk
10-Dec-09 - 08:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should the US troops be thanked?
Subject: RE: BS: Should the US troops be thanked?
Generally speaking, any soldiers who win a conflict are profusely thanked by their own people after it's over. If they lose, however...the reactions can vary, depending on the overall situation. People are quite upset when their country loses a conflict, and they will always turn their anger first on the politicians who led them during the conflict...then sometimes on the soldiers as well.

Should the Russian troops be thanked?
Should the Chinese troops be thanked?
Should the Pakistani troops be thanked?
Should the Pashtuns fighting the USA occupation be thanked?
Should the Israeli troops who attacked Gaza be thanked?
Should the Hamas fighters who defended Gaza be thanked?

I assure you that they will ALL be thanked by some...and cursed by others...strictly depending on whose direct interests were involved.