The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18699   Message #278645
Posted By: John in Brisbane
16-Aug-00 - 03:14 AM
Thread Name: Lyr/Chords Req: Lancashire folk songs
Subject: Lancashire Glossary
abeawt	******	about.	
addled ****** made - worked for.
allus ****** always.
aw ****** I.
aw'st ****** I will.
ax ****** Ask.
beawt ****** without.
beawn ****** bound.
bout ****** without.
bowt ****** bought. (sse
booath ****** both.
breet ****** bright.
brid ****** bird (child).
browt ****** brought.
byem ****** beam.
bum-baylies ****** bailiffs.
cap't ****** baffled - stuck.
ceawer ****** cower
caur ****** cower
character ****** written reference for a job
ceawnty ****** county.
clout ****** to strike.
clooas ****** clothes.
clowt ****** item of clothing.
coom ****** come.
con ****** can.
conno' ****** cannot.
cheear ****** chair.
croodle ****** croon - sing.
dee ****** die.
deawn ****** down.
dule ****** The devil (Th' owd Lad).
dur ****** door.
dreawn ****** drown.
eawt ****** out.
eawr ****** our.
e'en ****** eyes.
enoo ****** enough.
fettle ****** fix.
feight ****** fight.
feyther ****** father.
foyer ****** fire.
foo ****** fool.
fotched ****** fetched.
fot, fotch ****** fetch.
frimbles ****** nervous or uncertain.
fro ****** from.
gie ****** give.
gowd- ****** gold.
gradely ****** good or very.
gronny ****** grandmother.
greaund ****** ground.
hawve ****** half.
hauf ****** half
hont ****** hand.
howd ****** hold.
heawse ****** house.
hawve ****** half.
hoo ****** she.
heause ****** house.
haupney ****** halfpenny.
keawer ****** sit.
Lanky ****** Lancashire.
lang ****** long.
loike ****** like.
loife ****** life.
mayte ****** meat.
munno ****** mustn't.
mey ****** may.
nagur ****** work.
neaw ****** now.
nooan ****** none.
noddy ****** fool.
neet ****** night.
nobbut ****** nothing but, merely
nowt ****** nothing.
nought ****** nothing
0' ****** all.
oi ****** I.
oin ****** I have.
owd ****** old.
owt ****** anything.
pon ****** pan.
poo'ed ****** pulled.
punced ****** kicked.
purring ****** clog fighting.
pund ****** pound.
preawd ****** proud.
reaund ****** round.
roifle ****** rifle.
seaund ****** sound.
sengle ****** single.
shoddy ****** coarse cloth.
sodjur ****** soldier.
smook ****** smoke.
sich ****** such.
skroikes ****** cries.
shoines ****** shines.
stonnin' ****** standing.
spuyl ****** spoil.
swat ****** sweat.
seyn ****** say.
stele ****** stile.
thowt ****** thought.
thrutch ****** push.
towd ****** told.
'utch . ****** move.
wayther ) ****** water
way'er ) ****** water.
watter ) ****** water
weshed ****** washed.
wark ****** work.
welghvin ****** weaving.
wheelt ****** wheeled.
wo' ****** wall.
wod ****** what.
whoam) ****** home.
whom ****** home
wheere ****** where
yo ****** you.