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Thread #125723   Message #2786472
Posted By: Bill D
11-Dec-09 - 06:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palin v. Gore...
Subject: RE: BS: Palin v. Gore...
Are 'we' aware that many of those leaked/hacked emails - whatever one may think of the folks who may have sent them, are up to 13 years old?

"In one email, dated November 1999, one scientist wrote:..."

and later in the same article:

"Ward said that if the emails are correct, they "might highlight behaviour that those individuals might not like to have made public." But he added, "Let's separate out [the climate scientists] reacting badly to the personal attacks [from sceptics] to the idea that their work has been carried out in an inappropriate way."

The revelations did not alter the huge body of evidence from a variety of scientific fields that supports the conclusion that modern climate change is caused largely by human activity, Ward said. The emails refer largely to work on so-called paleoclimate data - reconstructing past climate scenarios using data such as ice cores and tree rings. "Climate change is based on several lines of evidence, not just paleoclimate data," he said. "At the heart of this is basic physics."

Ward pointed out that the individuals named in the alleged emails had numerous publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals. "It would be very surprising if after all this time, suddenly they were found out doing something as wrong as that."

One can find almost any opinion if one looks long enough, but the huge majority of scientists involved in studies agree on the basic facts of climate change and our part in it.