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Thread #125723   Message #2787545
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
13-Dec-09 - 03:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palin v. Gore...
Subject: RE: BS: Palin v. Gore...
Little Hawk, Amos is correct in stating that Al Gore recognizes both geologic and human causes of global warming.
I have read a bit of his book, which one of my daughters bought, and he does not minimize the natural effects.
He does concentrate on changes resulting from man's activities. Opponents pick on this portion of his book to the exclusion of all else.

Not all energy companies are opposed to changes to cut greenhouse emissions.
Chevron presents their views succinctly in this article; they do recognize that man is affecting the planet's climate. Shell and others have research programs studying the problem, many with well-qualified scientists in their laboratories. Even Exxon-Mobil, perhaps the most 'business-oriented'and a critic of many greenhouse submissions, has contributed to the battery cells needed by electric cars and has other research underway in their labs; remember, there is money to be made for investors in 'green' science and change is in the air. BP has a unit making solar panels, etc.
Palin is completely out-of-touch.

The link is too long for me, the luddite, but here is part of it-
"Climate Change" change/...
I found it by googling "Al Gore, climate change. Maybe a reader of this thread can link it.